Hello, everyone

Flipped classroom brings the most important classroom teaching in the traditional teaching mode to the front of the class. By watching the video recorded by the teacher, students organize the new teaching content by themselves, communicate and interact with teachers and classmates in class with questions, and consolidate and internalize the new knowledge through classroom exercises. Combined with Bates’ SECTIONS Model, I will consider and evaluate the effectiveness of the flipped classroom from four aspects.

The first is S(Students). The flipped classroom is student-oriented and fully considerate of students. It is undeniable that there are individual differences in the learning of each student, each person’s ability to pick up, learning style, learning habits and learning characteristics are likely to be different. It is impossible for teachers to make every student master the knowledge they teach in class. By watching the videos, each student can check and fill in the gaps of the knowledge according to his/her own situation and actual needs. He/she can also watch the videos repeatedly to understand the knowledge he/she does not understand. Students can even adjust the pace of learning by themselves, and the flexibility of the flipped classroom gives full play to students’ learning autonomy to a greater extent.

The second is E (Ease of use). In the process of the flipped classroom, learning can be done anytime and anywhere with a mobile phone and the Internet. Learning is no longer limited by time and space.

The third is T (Teaching Functions). The flipped classroom based on multimedia technology returns the form of education to its essence. The essence of education is to give play to students’ subjective initiative, let students learn independently, and develop good autonomous learning ability. What matters is the learning process, because the whole process is the cultivation process of students’ accomplishment. Flipped classroom pays more attention to students’ pre-class teaching design, and students’ pre-class independent learning becomes the most important part of learning, allowing students to be their own masters. In this process, students will virtually build their own cognition of external things, and at the same time enhance their abilities in various aspects. Instead of a merit-based model of education.

The fourth is I (Interaction). The flipped classroom based on multimedia technology increases the Interaction in learning. Video learning before class, discussion in class and consolidation and deepening after class have all changed the interactive relationship between teachers and students and between students. It really returns to the essence of education and lets students be the master of education. Teachers have changed from carriers and imitators of learning content to judges and instructors of students’ learning, which can not only master the overall progress but also take individual differences into account. The relationship between students also becomes a cooperative one, which increases their interaction with each other, which not only benefits the improvement of grades but also cultivates a sense of community among students.

Finally, as a future educator, I understand that different students have different learning needs and views on technology. Therefore, educators must recognize the differences of learners and the diversity of learning styles and pay attention to the abilities of different learners in the aspects of seeing, listening and speaking, so that students with different cognitive abilities can achieve effective teaching goals. After all, the ultimate goal of education is that every student can participate in the classroom and their abilities and interests are respected.


Sheng Li