Effectiveness Evaluation

Functions & Ease of use

Compared with traditional university classroom teaching, MOOCs are quite different in educational concepts, educational boundaries, teaching methods, teaching contents, examination and assessment. MOOCs can overcome some of the problems and defects in a traditional university classroom.

First, MOOCs can better combine teaching and research, teaching and social service, so as to better realize the teaching, scientific research and social service functions of university education. Second, MOOCs break through the limitations of time and space on higher education. As long as there is a computer with Internet access, all people can study at any time and any place, which guarantees all groups who need to learn the subject have the opportunity to study throughout their lives. Third, with rich teaching resources and faster updating of teaching content, MOOCs can better meet the demands of all walks of life and all majors in universities for university education.

Students & Interaction

Compared with a traditional university education, MOOCs have many natural advantages, which can overcome the problems existing in traditional university teaching. However, MOOCs also have many natural shortcomings at present. There is little interaction between teachers and students in the MOOC teaching process, and teachers cannot get feedback from students in the teaching process. Even if there is interaction, teachers do not have face-to-face eye contact with students, and even teachers do not know whether students are learning (Li, et al., 2020).

Preference Issue

Most students’ adoption levels are low for using non-mandatory MOOCs as their remedial studies. The results in Hernandez, et al.’s (2019) study “show that between 4 percent (the minimum) and 18 percent (the maximum) of the students were active in the MOOCs understudy during the case study period” (p.141). For me, MOOCs provide massive opportunities as its name, but we educators should always concern students’ interests and learning enthusiasm. Technologies are cold. However, I believe we have the chance to make it warmer by an on-going path of modifying them with your students.

Hernandez, J., Rodriguez, F., Hilliger, I., & Perez-Sanagustin, M. (2019). MOOCs as a remedial complement: Students’ adoption and learning outcomes. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 12(1), 133–141.