1. Do you have any doubts about the results of your TPI profile sheet? Do you think it will help you in your future or current teaching?

I am satisfied with my highest score in apprenticeship, but my assumption for developmental method was also to be higher than average and I got less score. This results enabled me to understand my teaching process. Also, this will helps me to concentrate more average points.

2. Compared with traditional classroom, what do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of flipped classroom?

There are numerous benefits of flipped classroom over traditional classroom. The involvement of students, actively, occurs in flipped classroom as this is learner centred whereas traditional classroom was teacher centred and emphasised on lecture methods only. Moreover, flipped classrooms provides every time accessibility to content , in contrast, traditional classrooms had less accessibility due to lack of content.

The disadvantages of flipped classrooms are that it requires availability of internet and advanced gadgets , which are sometimes not easy to get for everyone. In addition, flipped classrooms are based only on trust so there is no guarantee whether students will use it fairly or not.

However, despite of these issues, I think flipped classroom is very effective approach in education.

3. Based on your answer to the TPI question, what experiences do you think influenced you to make some choices?

I have made choices on the basis of my teaching experiences. Due to my teaching subject, I focus more on experiments, thus I choose those points and get highest score in apprenticeship. My second highest score is in nurturing and I think this is due to my way of teaching students by motivation and reduce fear of failure.



Pratt, D., Collins, J. Summary of Five Perspectives on ‘Good Teaching. http://blogs.ubc.ca/srikanth/files/2011/12/TPI-Teaching-Perspectives-Summaries.pdf