Hello everyone,

As per the TPI profile sheet, my dominant perspective is Nurturing followed by Apprenticeship. While reflecting upon the result, I believe that I have evolved as an educator as well as a learner. When I commenced my career in education as an elementary teacher, I focused more on transmission. Initially, the head of the department and principal of the school used to observe my teaching frequently. At the back of my mind, I was more concerned about maintaining discipline in the class rather experimenting with my pedagogical practices. This is what was ingrained in my mind since schooling years ‘a quiet classroom is the best classroom’.

Gradually, I developed a good rapport with my students and started incorporating discussions within the classroom. During this time, I also pursued a Professional Development Program that helped me a lot. Within this, I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried to do several activities in the classroom. The emphasis was more on learners by making them involved in new and creative activities. I used different strategies to make sure that students are actively participating and taking more interest. Over the time, I became comfortable in experimenting with my teaching practices.

Considering the concept of flipped classroom, it increases accountability of the students as they need to prepare for the classes ahead of time. They are given opportunities to review the content at their own time and build up their understanding of a particular topic. Then, in the class time teachers facilitate the students with their learning by engaging them into group work, comprehension activities, in-depth application of the concept, etc. This approach is very useful to foster a collaborative classroom culture and nurture higher-order thinking skills of learners.

The flipped classroom may require access to technological resources that every student cannot have. Furthermore, this approach relies more on learners’ competence and ability to comprehend on their own which might be difficult for some students. Overall, this approach will work well with the students at the secondary, undergraduate and graduate levels as they are more responsible towards their learning.


The (Flipped) Classroom of the 21st century – Benefits & advantages. (2020, August 24). Panopto Video Platform. https://www.panopto.com/blog/the-classroom-of-the-21st-century/