1. In which ways “virtual reality” can be used in education? (Can be explained with the subject of your interest).

In my opinion, VR plays an important role in education, VR can be used in different ways in different grades. In pre-school education, VR can be used in developing pre-school students’ ability to listen and speak via immersion education, VR gives teachers an additional immersive tool. In elementary and secondary education, VR provides a new way for students and teachers to learn knowledge about history or geography which needs audio and visual sense. Using VR is a good way to ensure students are engaged, motivated and challenged by teachers and educational technology. For future education, universities and colleges have always been at the cutting edge of new technologies, driving development and creating the next generation of scientists, developers and entrepreneurs. Virtual reality technologies are at the frontier of development right now.

  1. Technology has become a significant part of the day-to-day teaching-learning process. What are the challenges faced by an educator while selecting technology to enhance their teaching?

As educators, selecting appropriate technologies is important, because you need to be responsible for your students and teaching results. Financial problem is one of the major challenges that educators will face when selecting technology. Some high educational technological teaching facilities may cost a lot of money, some schools can’t afford it. In addition, the acceptability of students is another challenge for educators. Some students have high study efficiency with traditional education methods while some students prefer new educational technology.