As an international student, my English ability is not very good. I can’t read English materials fast, and I need to spend more time organizing words when answering questions in English. When I study ESL courses, ESL teachers will use different methods to help us learn English. The writing teacher will leave the homework for us to remember some vocabularies, and he will use Kahoot to check our vocabulary memorization in subsequent classes. I think this test is very interesting and useful, and this test will have a lot of prompt text to help us understand the words. The reading teacher will play multiple short videos in class to help international students understand a certain term or a certain concept. I think these methods to help international students break the language barrier are in line with the philosophy of Universal Design for Learning.

I think Tinybop’s application The Human Body is a good tool for creating UDL because this application has distinct colors, auxiliary music, and dynamic presentation of the human body structure. It can help learners understand the human body structure diagram from different aspects; therefore, I think this application is a good tool when creating UDL.