Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

I have experienced 3 semesters at TRU and I hold a strong belief that all of my instructors really respected UDL in their teaching. Firstly, they offered the students multiple ways of representation. It could be in-person lectures, synchronous classes, journals, textbooks, youtube videos, open-learning resources, recorded presentation with voice over, guest speakers to deliver the curriculum. Secondly, in regard to engagement, beside of grades, we were encouraged to participate group discussion and individual defense. We could also have freedom to choose topics that we are interested in for assignments. Thirdly, the instructors allowed us to decide how we wanted to perform our assignments such as youtube video, pecha kucha, photovoice, individual or team work. Briefly, I am convinced that I have experienced explicitly UDL in my studying at TRU.

Read and Write was such a great tool for international student like me. It offered verbal and visual dictionary, vocabulary list, highlighters, annotations, readers. It definitely helped me to read more productively, note questions easily, improve listening skills, and build up vocabulary. Read and Write facilitated international students to remove language barrier which contributed to equity in learning, one of core values of UDL.
