Remote Learning

When it comes to remote learning I think that augmented reality may be the best technological tool to use.  AR allows the student to access various locations, environments, information and resources that will enhance the overall educational experience despite being remote.  As Bates (2019) suggests, “Virtual and augmented reality applications can provide students with a deep, intuitive understanding of phenomena that are otherwise difficult if not impossible to achieve in other ways”.  The fact that learning is done in a remote location does not mean that the experience cannot be as meaningful and impactful.  When I think of AR I cannot help but think of its use in a university or upper secondary level, but do wonder what the implications would be if it were introduced to a younger audience, like elementary school-aged students.  I think that bringing the House of Commons and Parliament buildings via AR to students in grade 5 or the pyramids and other ancient artifacts from Greece, Asia and Mexico to grade 7 students, that the learning could be even more amazing and impactful.  Obviously there are limitations to this in the public schools systems that do not have endless supplies of funds or infrastructure, but the idea of bringing in AR to enhance learning is worth researching.