Hello everyone, hoping everything goes well 🙂

Compared with textbooks with pale graphic expressions, conservative content, and simple forms, virtual reality technology is a new teaching medium that can promote major changes in educational forms, educational environments, and basic elements of the teaching process and their relationships. The relationship between teachers, media, and students in the teaching process forms a new structure.

In education, teachers can use VR technology to make some abstract artistic knowledge vivid, so as to help students understand relevant knowledge and concepts more emotionally. For example, in the space art design teaching, using the VR technology can build a close to the real design space, prompting designs more intuitive, image display in front of the students, make the student fully immersed in the book cannot describe the scene, and deeply felt the designer ingenious design window. In addition, as a former student majoring in architectural engineering, I think the textbooks and pictures of traditional architectural structures are relatively abstract, which makes it difficult for students to intuitively understand architectural structures. Students cannot really see the internal form of the building structure, but can only learn the construction nodes by reading the diagram. At the same time, it is difficult to understand the actual content of the construction practice only by abstract architectural drawings and teachers’ dictation. But the immersion of virtual reality technology has a huge advantage in the teaching of architectural history. If we reconstruct typical buildings in the history of architecture, students can use virtual reality technology to walk at will, appreciate buildings from multiple angles and directions, and immerse themselves in the study of architectural history.

Despite the extremely bright prospects, the challenges of virtual reality technology in education applications also exist. The advantages of the virtual reality learning environment rely on virtual presentation technology to a large extent, and the current virtual reality presentation technology still has insurmountable defects. Gregory (2014) pointed out that the resolution and refresh rate of head-mounted display devices are low, and they are prone to window screens and visual retention. This greatly affects the user experience, and many users even experience cybersickness. In actual teaching, the unsolved dizziness problem of virtual reality technology itself, the design problems of virtual reality learning environment, and the connection problem between virtual reality classrooms and traditional classrooms all make teachers more difficult to choose VR technology for teaching. Whether these problems can be resolved in a timely and appropriate manner will determine the pace of development of virtual reality technology in education applications.


Gregory, S., Gregory, B., Stockes-Thompson, F., Cox, R., Crowther, P., Atkins, C., ... & Grant, S. (2014). Rhetoric and reality: critical perspectives on education in a 3D virtual world. Rhetoric and Reality: Critical perspectives on educational technology. Proceedings of ascilite Dunedin 2014.