Hello everyone, hoping everything goes well 🙂

I think TPI Profile Sheet is helpful for teaching, because, as mentioned in Reflecting on Your TPI Results, these Results reflect the perspective of individual teaching, and can help teachers better define their own position. My B and I Sub-scores Differ by five points in the column of Transmission. I think this result is related to my personal learning experience. Influenced by traditional Chinese education, I subconsciously believe that teachers are the main classroom leaders. However, in this mode, teachers tend to pay too much attention to teaching objectives and thus ignore students’ personal interests and needs, which is not the goal I want to achieve in teaching. In teaching, I want to pay more attention to the needs of students, encourage and support them to go their own way, let them build confidence and self-esteem in the teaching process.

In the traditional teaching process, the teacher’s role is the owner and disseminator of knowledge, while the student is the receiver. Students are often passive in the learning process, and their independent learning ability is weak, lacking the ability to find problems. Flipped classroom transfers the teaching process to after class so that students have enough time to summarize what they have learned and found problems. Teachers can carry out classroom activities according to the common problems and individual problems encountered by students, so as to achieve the purpose of solving doubts in a real sense and realize teaching students in accordance with their aptitude in a real sense. Flipped classroom fundamentally changes the roles of teachers and students in the teaching process. Teachers have changed from the owners and disseminators of knowledge to the guiders of learning methods and processes. Students have changed from passive receivers to active learning subjects who accept knowledge, find problems and try to solve problems.

However, from a technical standpoint, as journalistic Articles mention, the flipped classroom relies on pre-recorded lectures and online events, which means that students and teachers alike need good Internet connections and devices that are accessible. This requires teachers to have a strong level of information technology. The level and quality of the video produced by teachers should be improved. The video should be short and reasonable. All these restrict the development of teaching. Secondly, under the flipped classroom teaching model, students need to use computers and Internet facilities, which is impossible for young groups of students (kindergartens and primary schools), and older groups of students may also face the harassment of bad information. The flipped classroom is a new educational concept, which needs constant practice and improvement.


Sheng Li