Teaching is a highly dynamic profession that involves the adaptation of the best practices of theory and research and modifying them to master one’s subject (Bates, 2019). Through my teaching and learning years, I have held up to the conviction that knowledge is constructed, and not transmitted. My advocacy of experiential learning rests upon the constructivist theory of learning wherein teacher are facilitators, who create an active engaging environment for the learners. O’ Donnell (2013) emphasized that ‘learning by doing’ creates interest and freedom and promotes engagement and responsibility towards nature and society. Activities like field trips, and DIY (Do it yourself) activities and experiments help the learner to construct their understanding of the subject through experiencing things and then reflecting on those experiences.
Technology in various forms has now intruded in most domains of education. Using technology without a well-designed approach may bring deleterious results for the teachers and learners. Dool & Kirschner (2003) observed that when teachers adopt new technology-based learning, model students develop high-level thinking skills. The need of the hour is to merge the use of the computers, web, and social media for enhancing engagement and motivation of the learners. It can be a powerful tool for learner-centered interactive learning with a positive effect on reasoning, collaboration, and complex thinking. As stated by Bates (2019), discussion and social interaction permit us to examine and challenge our knowledge with our peers. Networking, chat groups, search engines, and online libraries can provide endless opportunities and a wider knowledge base to the learner as well as to the educator.
Bates, T. (2019). Teaching in a digital age (2nd edition). BC Campus Open Education Open Textbooks. https://opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/
Dool, P. C. van den, & Kirschner, P. (2003). Integrating the educative functions of information and communications technology (ICT) in teachers’ and learners’ toolboxes: A reflection on pedagogical benchmarks for ICT in teacher education’. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 12(1), 161-179. http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a751265721&db=all>
O’Donnell, M. (2013). Montessori and the first children’s house. Maria Montessori: A critical introduction to key themes and debates. http://ebookcentral.proquest.com
Olloweb, A. (2018). Education [image]. https://unsplash.com/s/photos/education
Bates, T. (2019). Teaching in a digital age (2nd edition). BC Campus Open Education Open Textbooks. https://opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/ Dool, P. C. van den, & Kirschner, P. (2003). Integrating the educative functions of information and communications technology (ICT) in teachers’ and learners’ toolboxes: A reflection on pedagogical benchmarks for ICT in teacher education’. Technology, Pedagogy, and Education, 12(1), 161-179. http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a751265721&db=all> O'Donnell, M. (2013). Montessori and the first children’s house. Maria Montessori: A critical introduction to key themes and debates. http://ebookcentral.proquest.com Olloweb, A. (2018). Education [image]. https://unsplash.com/s/photos/education
Hello Gagan,
Nice to hear from you and hoping you are doing well.
Every teacher has different way to teach the students, but I really appreciate you teaching style in which the students can learn while doing. Students can learn in better way from their experiences in real life comparing reading only books. Moreover, the various activities provide opportunities to them to explore themselves and construct their new knowledge by engaging themselves toward nature and society. In short, the students can learn more by inter-relating their new knowledge with prior knowledge.
Technology plays a pivotal role in education. There is hardly any corner of the world where technology is not existing. I concurred you that technology is a powerful tool that makes learning more interactive and creative. To illustrate, every student can connect with their teachers and classmates through technology in this COVID-19 situation. And teachers deliver their lectures online by using bigbluebutton, bluejeans, Microsoft terms and zoom meeting etcetera.
Gagan, thank you for your thoughts. This is a necessary task for the education system if it is to keep up with the ever evolving world. Systems continue to focus a blend of past and present but are not looking at the future. The future is spoken but in practice is basically the present. Embracing the various media and opportunities to acquire, share and explore knowledge is essential to creating an education systems that will provide all learners with the skills required to survive. Very well spoken and direct. Thank you.
Hi Gagan,
Thanks for your sharing. I can’t agree with you more that technology allows more interaction and collaboration with others. In this course, so far, we have 2 platforms for posts and discussion. We can work despite of geographic distance. Moreover, we can also have access to many resources which facilitate our learning.