Hello folks, it has been several weeks since we started writing on this site together! CHEERS!

To me, my TPI result 100% not surprised me. I am a person that believes in a teaching and learning model of “Nurturing”. However, what I want to emphasize again is being an educator who holds a creed of cultivating his/her student doesn’t mean this teacher is a critic of the ordinary teacher-domain classroom. I believe the ultimate goal of future education is a holistic and dynamic combination of both of them. The healthy relationship between educators and learners is always the part that we should pay our most attention to.

Students’ learning process consists of “information transfer” and “knowledge internalization”. In the traditional teaching model, “information transmission” is the interactive acquisition of teachers, students and students in the class, while “knowledge internalization” mainly relies on students’ independent completion of homework after class, lacking communication and interaction. Students’ learning effect is quite different, that is, good students are better, while poor students are more difficult to learn well. Flipped classroom reconstructed the learning process of students; it is a class of “information”. Through the video or online tutoring provided by the teacher, “knowledge internalization” is through the interaction between students and teachers in the class. Thus, the teacher can understand students’ confusion in advance and solve the problems in class, which could promote students’ internalization better in processing knowledge. Then it improved the students’ learning outcomes. This is the nature of the classroom flip. The use of flipped classroom is conducive to improving the quality of teaching and learning.